We're happy to be part of your educational journey! Let's make sure we make this a seamless transition and set you up for success. Follow the steps below to get started.
Many students come to AACC already having earned college credit from other institutions. Others have demonstrated their mastery of skills through years of military service, on-the-job experience, standardized tests and more. You’ve worked hard to gain that knowledge, so we do everything possible to count those credits toward your AACC degree or certificate.
At AACC, you can allocate up to 45 transfer credits toward an associate degree or half the credits required for a certificate. Up to 30 of those transfer credits can come from nontraditional sources (military experience, CLEP, AP, IB, credit by examination and portfolio assessment). Of those nontraditional credits, a maximum of 15 may be earned through a combination of credit by examination and portfolio assessment.
Credits from other colleges don’t automatically transfer to AACC. In conjunction with content matter experts in the academic departments, our records and registration team reviews every course and credit individually to determine which ones count toward your program at AACC. Check out our Transfer Credit Equivalency Database that shows how courses from other institutions may transfer to AACC. Knowing which may transfer and which may not will help you understand our final decisions about transfer credit.
Before considering transfer credits from institutions outside the U.S., AACC requires students to have their transcripts reviewed on a course-by-course basis by one of our approved professional transcript evaluation services:
Articulation agreements are a type of educational partnership where an institution agrees to accept certain credits that were earned at a different educational institution. Below you will find our agreements with Anne Arundel County Public Schools.
In cases where national standardized exams or challenge exams are not available, a student may be able to complete a portfolio that demonstrates his/her experience and college-level learning. In some cases, AACC will consider a portfolio, if that experience demonstrates mastery of skills or concepts taught within an AACC degree or certificate program.
If you completed training through the U.S. military, submit your official Joint Services transcript (Army, Navy, Coast Guard or Marines), Community College of the Air Force transcript or a photocopy of your DD-214. We count your basic training as AACC’s general education health/fitness/wellness requirement, and we award credit for other military training and occupations using the American Council on Education credit recommendations when a similar discipline is offered at AACC.
AACC partners with Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) to align high school coursework with AACC college courses that leads to proficiency credit.
AACC has established transfer agreements with schools in and outside Maryland for a variety of majors. This gives you lots of options for a smooth transfer.
The following agreements can assist you in transferring from an outside institution to an AACC program. The full text of the transfer agreements can be found below.
American Culinary Federation |
A.A.S. - Hotel/Restaurant Management |
American Health Information Management Association |
A.A.S. - Health Information Technology |
Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities |
A.A.S. Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
Anne Arundel County Police Department |
A.A.S. - Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
City of Glasgow College |
A.A.S. - Hotel/Restaurant Management |
DoD Cyber Crime Center |
A.A.S. - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity |
Holistic Massage Training Institute |
A.A.S. - Massage Therapy |
The International Coach Federation |
Engagement Coaching |
This Articulation Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the date last signed below (''the Effective Date") by and between Anne Arundel Community College, ("AACC"), a community college in Arnold, Maryland accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the American Culinary Federation ("ACF") Inc., a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization in Jacksonville, Florida, that is the culinary leader in offering educational resources, training, apprenticeship and programmatic accreditation designed to enhance professional growth for all current and future chefs and pastry chefs, agree to offer an articulated program leading to the awards of the Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.) in Hotel/ Restaurant Management, Culinary Arts Option and the A.A.S. in Hotel/ Restaurant Management, Baking and Pastry Arts Option.
WHEREAS, in an effort to enhance and facilitate program and degree completion at the respective institutions, the Parties wish to offer articulated transfer pathways where, after successful completion of ACF coursework, ACF students who have successfully passed a comprehensive ACF written and practical exam earning the ACF designation of Certified Executive Chef (CEC) will be able to transfer seamlessly to AACC and enter a program track towards an associate's degree from AACC;
WHEREAS, the Parties seeks to provide a seamless transition from ACF's CEC program to Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.) in Hotel/ Restaurant Management, Culinary Arts Option or the A.A.S. in Hotel/ Restaurant Management, Baking and Pastry Arts Option; and
WHEREAS, this Agreement sets expectations for the Parties' administrators, faculty, and staff and fosters a working relationship between the Parties.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and of the following promises and conditions set forth, the sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
I. Admission
A. Students interested in pursuing an A.A.S. in Hotel/Restaurant Management, Culinary Arts Option and the A.AS. in Hotel/Restaurant Management, Baking and Pastry Arts Option from AACC (the "Programs") must complete the requirements for certification and pass the comprehensive written and practical exam as a CEC through the ACF.
B. AACC guarantees admission of students who complete the requirements for certification and pass the comprehensive written and practical exam as a Certified Executive Chef through the ACF with the opportunity to seamlessly transfer to AACC into the Programs.
C. AACC will retain the final authority in all admission decisions.
D. AACC Admissions Procedures
1. Students must submit an online admission application to the Admissions Office at h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/apply-and-register.
2. All students who wish to pursue a degree or certificate must be assessed for proficiency in English, reading and mathematics prior to their first registration. This can be completed through an assessment test at the college's testing office or by submitting appropriate scores on the ACT, SAT, AP, CLEP and/or successful completion of equivalent college courses.
3. Forward any ACT, SAT, AP and CLEP scores as well as the following official documentation to the Records and Registration Office, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012
a. Official high school transcript or General Education Diploma (GED)
b. Official college transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
c. Official Certification from the ACF (must be current)
4. Grants, scholarships, and loans are available to eligible students who are enrolled in eligible degree programs. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 410-777-2203 or h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/aid.
II. Acceptance of Transfer Credit
A. Thirty (30) credit hours will be articulated and awarded by AACC toward completion of the Programs. See Appendices A and B.
B. Students, enrolling in AACC must complete an additional 31 credit hours, as outlined in this Agreement with a minimum of 15 credit hours to be taken at AACC (see Appendices A and B.
C. For credits to be awarded, students must present official documentation (a current/original CEC certificate) demonstrating the ACF award of the CEC designation to the AACC Office of Records and Registration.
III. Transfer Pathways
A. Any proposed curriculum modification to the ACF CEC certification program must be conveyed in writing to the director of the Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism Institute at AACC no later than ninety (90) days prior to the revision. If AACC determines that the curriculum modifications are inconsistent with AACC's desired outcomes, AACC may terminate this Agreement, and neither party shall be liable to the other. Any AACC curriculum revisions will be conveyed in writing to the Executive Director at ACF no later than ninety (90) days before program implementation.
B. The parties understand that ACF permits AACC to use its CEC designation as a prerequisite to its Program. However, ACF does not formally endorse, certify, guarantee, sponsor, or warrant the Program.
IV. Reports, Data and Information
A. ACF will provide a transfer report to AACC on an annual basis.
B. Transfer reports will include data on ACF transfer students that are currently enrolled at the AACC, including but not limited to, student demographics, number of credits transferred, and other pertinent information.
V. Publicity and Promotion
A. During the term of this Agreement, the ACF and AACC will develop a marketing and student recruitment plan to promote this Agreement and Transfer Pathways to inform students of the opportunities available.
B. Any and all marketing, promotional or publication materials developed by one Party must be reviewed and approved in writing by the other Party prior to use of any such materials.
C. ACF agrees to promote Transfer Pathways to ACF students by allowing AACC place marketing materials at ACF.
VI. Trademark
A. Each Party grants to the other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable revocable license to use its name, logos, and other trademarks for limited purpose of this Agreement, with the prior express written permission of the other Party.
B. Except as specifically authorized in this Agreement, neither Party shall use the name, logos or trademarks of the other or the name or likeness of any employee or officer of the other Party in connection with any product, service, promotion, news, release or other publicity without the prior written permission of the other Party and, if necessary, of the individual whose name or likeness may be under consideration.
C. All uses of AACC's trademarks shall comply with the AACC's guidelines for the use of its trademarks, which will be provided upon request.
VII. Liaisons
The Parties designate the individuals below to serve as the primary point of contact ("Liaison") under this Agreement. Should the Liaison change, the Party will promptly provide new contact to the other Party in writing.
AACC Liaison
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation & Career
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
ACF Liaison
Dana Nagy-Baldwin
Program Manager of Accreditation and
6816 Southpoint Pkwy. Ste 400
Jacksonville, FL 32216
VIII. Term and Renewal
A. The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, commencing on the Effective Date, unless terminated by either party as set forth below.
B. This Agreement shall automatically renew for one (1) year terms, unless terminated by one of the Parties prior to expiration of the first or successive terms.
C. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing ninety (90) days' written notice to the other Party.
1. During the notice period the parties may discuss continuation of a formal relationship.
2. In the event of termination by either Party, transfer credits accepted by the AACC prior to the termination date for ACF students will not be impacted and students currently enrolled in a program at AACC at the time of termination will be permitted to complete the program.
D. The Parties shall meet biannually to review changes in curriculum, programs and credential requirements for the purpose of determining whether or if the Agreement should be amended.
E. Should either Party make changes to program requirements, the Party will inform the other Party immediately.
IX. Notice of Agreement
A. AACC will provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
B. The Parties agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.
C. If updates to this Agreement are necessary, the Parties will amend this Agreement, and AACC will forward the amended Agreement to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
X. General Provisions
A. Entire Understanding. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral.
B. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Parties.
C. Non-Waiver. The failure of either Party to insist, in any one or more instances, on the performance of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, or to exercise any of its rights, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such term, covenant, condition or right with respect to further performance.
D. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a separate, severable and independently enforceable provision. The invalidity or breach of any provisions shall not cause the invalidity or breach of the remaining provisions hereof.
E. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland. Any legal proceedings brought pursuant to this Agreement shall be brought only in the state courts of Maryland.
F. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
G. Notices. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Notices shall be provided to the individuals listed below. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
1. To the College:
Anne Arundel Community College
General Counsel
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
Email: generalcounsel@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com
2. To Other Party:
Dana Nagy-Baldwin
6816 Southpoint Pkwy. Ste 400
Jacksonville, FL 32216
H. Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. Each counterpart will be an original, but all such counterparts will constitute a single instrument. This Agreement may be electronically or digitally signed or scanned, and any electronic or digital signatures appearing on this Agreement are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility, upon exchange of signature pages.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, Anne Arundel Community College and the American Culinary Federation have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered on the date written below by their duly authorized representative.
For Anne Arundel Community College
Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Oct 30, 2024
Nanci A. Beier Date
For the American Culinary Federation, Inc.
Christopher Tanner, CEC, CCE, AAC
Executive Director
Oct 29, 2024
Appendix A
Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.), Hotel/Restaurant Management, Culinary Arts Option
Course Number and Title | AACC Credits | ACF Articulated Credits |
General Education Requirements |
21 credits |
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 1 |
3 |
ENG 102 Academic Writing and Research 2 |
3 |
COM 111 or COM 116 Fundamentals of Oral Communication or Fundamental of Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers |
3 |
Biological and Physical Sciences See College Catalog for list of approved courses |
3 |
CTA 100 Computing and Information Technology |
3 |
Mathematics See College Catalog for list of approved courses |
3 |
HRM 232 World Culture and Cuisine: A Social Science Perspective |
3 |
Program Requirements |
16 credits |
HRM 111 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry |
3 |
HRM 119* Certification in Sanitation |
1 |
HRM 121 Introduction to Cooking |
3 |
HRM 251 Food and Beverage Operations Management |
3 |
HRM 260 Purchasing and Cost Controls |
3 |
HRM 275 Internship in Hotel/Restaurant Management |
3 |
Culinary Arts Concentration |
24 credits |
HRM 123 Cooking Techniques 1 |
3 |
HRM 124 Introduction to Baking and Pastry |
3 |
HRM 190 Food Science and Nutritional Cooking |
3 |
HRM 205 Cooking Techniques 2 |
3 |
HRM 220 Garde Manger |
3 |
HRM 223 International Cuisine |
3 |
HRM 225 Restaurant Production and Simulation |
3 |
HRM Elective |
3 |
Total Number of Credits from AACC/ACF Articulated Credits |
31 credits |
30 credits |
Total Credits Required |
61 credits |
Appendix B
Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.), Hotel/Restaurant Management, Baking and Pastry Option
Course Number and Title | AACC Credits | ACF Articulated Credits |
General Education Requirements | 21 credits | |
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 1 |
3 |
ENG 102Academic Writing and Research 2 |
3 |
COM 111 or COM 116Fundamentals of Oral Communication or Fundamental of Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers |
3 |
Biological and Physical SciencesSee College Catalog for list of approved courses |
3 |
CTA 100Computing and Information Technology |
3 |
MathematicsSee College Catalog for list of approved courses |
3 |
HRM 232World Culture and Cuisine: A Social Science Perspective |
3 |
Program Requirements |
16 credits |
HRM 111Introduction to the Hospitality Industry |
3 |
HRM 119*Certification in Sanitation |
1 |
HRM 121Introduction to Cooking |
3 |
HRM 251Food and Beverage Operations Management |
3 |
HRM 260Purchasing and Cost Controls |
3 |
HRM 275Internship in Hotel/Restaurant Management |
3 |
Culinary Arts Concentration |
24 credits |
HRM 124Introduction to Baking and Pastry |
3 |
HRM 190Food Science and Nutritional Cooking |
3 |
HRM 201Intermediate Bread Production |
3 |
HRM 202Intermediate Cake Production |
3 |
HRM 203European Pastry, Torte and Gateau |
3 |
HRM 226Advanced Pastry Production |
3 |
HRM 227Chocolates, Confections, and Entremet |
3 |
HRM Elective |
3 |
Total Number of Credits from AACC/ACF Articulated Credits |
31 credits |
30 credits |
Total Credits Required |
61 credits |
TO: Nanci Beier, Registrar
FROM: Dana Carcamo, Program Coordinator, Health Information Technology and Medical Coding
DATE: 6/24/19
RE: Articulated Credit for CCS Certification
I have examined the credentials of [student, insert name] and have determined that the student holds a current certification as a certified coding specialist. The following courses and credits have been earned through the college's internal articulation agreement:
CTP 103 - Theories and Applications of Digital Technology OR
CTA 100- Computing and Information Technology 4 credit hours
MDA 112 - Pharmacology for Health Professions 3 credit hours
MDA 113 - Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
MDA 114 - Diseases of the Human Body 3 credit hours
HIT 217 - Introduction to ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM Coding 3 credits hours
HIT 218 - Introduction to CPT/HCPCS and ICD-10-PCS Coding 3 credit hours
HIT 221- Advanced Coding 3 credit hours
HIT 275 - Medical Coding Practicum 2 credit hours
The student is aware that these 24 credits will posted to the transcript as articulated credits and carry no grade.
Anne Arundel Community College
Memorandum of Agreement
For awarding Prior Learning Assessment Credit by Industry Certification/Licensure
Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) granted by American Health Information Management Association
An Anne Arundel Community College student who holds a current Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) offered through American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and is pursuing an associate of applied science in Health Information Technology will receive the following AACC courses and credits. No grade will be assigned for these credits and the credits will be noted on the transcript as awarded by virtue of industry certification/licensure.
Course Name/Credits
CTP 103 - Theories and Applications of Digital Technology OR
CTA 100-Computing and Information Technology/3 credit hours
MDA 112 - Pharmacology for Health Professions/3 credit hours
MDA 113 - Medical Terminology/3 credit hours
MDA 114 - Diseases of the Human Body/3 credit hours
HIT 217 - Introduction to ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM Coding/3 credits
HIT 218 - Introduction to CPT/HCPCS and ICD-10-PCS Coding/3 credit hours
HIT 221-Advanced Coding/3 credit hours
HIT 275 - Medical Coding Practicum/2 credit hours
AACC Subject Matter Faculty Expert
Dana Carcamo, Program Coordinator, Health Information Technology
AACC Dean, School of Health Sciences
Elizabeth Appel, Dean, School of Health Sciences
AACC Vice President of Learning
Dr. Michael Gavin, Vice President of Learning
This Articulation Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of the date last signed below, between Anne Arundel Community College (“AACC”), accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and a public community college located in Arnold, Maryland, and the Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities (“AACDDF”), which offers training and certification through the Maryland Police and Corrections and Training Commissions (individually, a “Party” and collectively (the “Parties”).
Whereas, the Parties seek to have AACC offer an articulated program pathway leading to the award of an Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement
and Criminal Justice (“Program”) for individuals who have graduated from AACDDF’s training program (“Training”) and have been certified through AACDDF.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and of the following promises and conditions set forth, the sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
1. Qualifying Students. An individual who has successfully completed the Training and have been certified through AACDDF and is accepted for admission by AACC through AACC’s ordinary admission’s policies and procedures and in accordance with Exhibit A is a “Qualifying Student”.
2. Program. Qualifying Students may be awarded an A.A.S. degree from AACC upon completion of the Program requirements and general education requirements, including but not limited to, a minimum of 60 credit hours, 15 of which must be earned through AACC, and an adjusted cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher is required.
3. Award of Credit. Qualifying Students may be awarded up to twenty-three (23) credits for coursework towards the Program in accordance with Exhibit B.
4. Curriculum Changes. Exhibit B may be updated as needed based upon Catalog changes by AACC, including revised curriculum by either Party, new course offerings, or changes to transfer credit policies or procedures.
a. AACDDF will provide any curriculum modification in writing to AACC’s Director of Homeland Security & Criminal Justice Institute and Director of Transfer, Articulation, and Career Alignment within three (3) months of the modification.
b. AACC will provide any curriculum modifications to its Program in writing the Superintendent at AACDDF within three (3) months of the modification.
5. Enrollment and Graduation. Qualifying Students must follow all enrollment and graduation procedures in accordance with AACC policy and procedures.
6. Approval by MHEC. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval of the Maryland Higher Education Commission (“MHEC”) pursuant to COMAR 13B.02.02.16(K)(2) (“Effective Date”).
7. Term. This Agreement will remain in effect for five (5) years from the Effective Date. This Agreement shall automatically renew for one (1) year terms, unless terminated as set forth below.
8. Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other Party and MHEC. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Qualifying Students who are already admitted and enrolled at AACC at the time of termination or expiration will be permitted to complete the Program and be awarded for credits in accordance with Exhibit B.
9. Review. The Parties will meet at least once every three (3) years to review the terms of the Agreement.
10. Entire Understanding. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings.
11. Amendment. This Agreement may only be modified by written amendment executed by both Parties.
12. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is at any time held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or invalid or incompatible with any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation, then that portion shall be deemed to be omitted from this Agreement without affecting the force, effect or validity of the remainder of this Agreement.
13. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.
14. Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be enforced only in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Maryland.
15. Notices. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) business days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Notices shall be provided to the individuals listed below. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
To AACC: Anne Arundel Community College
Attn: Director of Transfer, Articulation, and Career Alignment 101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
Email: mwright22@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com
With copy to: General Counsel via email at generalcounsel@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com
To AACDDF: Superintendent Christopher Klein
131 Jennifer Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. This Agreement may be executed electronically. If signing electronically, the signatory for each Party acknowledges and agrees that by physically signing and returning the signed Agreement electronically or applying an electronic signature, the signatory for each Party consents to signing this Agreement electronically with an intent to be bound by its terms. The signatory for each Party agrees that the electronic signature appearing on this Agreement is the same as a handwritten signature for purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility. The signatory for each Party understands that if the signatory does not wish to sign electronically, the signatory may print and sign this Agreement and return it to the other Party. A copy of the Agreement will be sent to the other Party after execution.
17. Distribution of the Agreement. The Parties agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Parties, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar’s offices, and financial aid offices.
18. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
19. Representations. The Parties represent that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: a. The Parties are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time.
b. Each Party has taken or will take all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.
For the Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities
Christopher Klein, CCE
Department of Detention Facilities
Jan 5, 2022
Sherris Mundell
Department of Detention Facilities
Training Director
Jan 5, 2022
For Anne Arundel Community College
Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Jan 4, 2022
Karen Cook, Esq.
Dean, School of Business and Law
Dec 17, 2021
Nanci A. Beier
Dec 14, 2021
Exhibit A - AACC Admissions Procedures
Students must submit an online Anne Arundel Community College admission application to the Admissions Office at h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/apply-and-register Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Associate of Applied Science Degree.
After submitting online admission application, students must send all applicable documents official transcripts and documentation attention to the Records and Registration Office located at 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012 or records@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com.
Documentation may include:
All students who wish to pursue a degree or certificate must be assessed for proficiency in English, reading and mathematics. Proficiency in English, reading and mathematics can be assessed by taking the English and math Accuplacer Placement Tests at the college’s testing office or by submitting appropriate scores on the ACT, SAT, AP, CLEP and/or successful completion of equivalent college courses.
Grants, scholarship, and loans are available to eligible students who are enrolled in eligible degree programs. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 410-777-2203 or h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/aid/.
Anne Arundel Community College
Program Requirements and AACDDF Credit Award
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice–Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, A.A.S.
Course Number | Course Title | AACC Credits | AACDDF Credit Award |
General Education Requirements | 24 credits | ||
English Comp. I (ENG 101 or ENG 101A) |
Academic Writing & Research I | 3 credits | |
English Comp. II (ENG 102) |
Academic Writing & Research II | 3 credits | |
Arts and Humanities | 3 credits | ||
Biological and Physical Sciences | 3 credits | ||
Technology Requirement | 3 credits | ||
Wellness Requirement | Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED | 3 credits (HEA 150) | |
Mathematics | 3 credits | ||
Social and Behavioral Sciences | American Government (PLS 111) | 3 credits | |
Program Requirements | 15 credits | ||
CJS 111 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 credits (CJS 111) |
CJS 113 | Penology |
3 credits (CJS 113) |
CJS 225 | Criminal Justice Ethics | 3 credits |
LGS 215 (substitution: CJS 232) | Criminal Law (substitution: Juvenile Law) |
3 credits (CJS 232) |
SOC 111 (Diversity requirement) | Introduction to Sociology | 3 credits |
Area of Concentration Requirements | 21 credits | ||
CJS 112 | Police Operations | 3 credits |
CJS 222 | Investigation and Criminalistics | 4 credits |
CJS 121 (substitution: CJS 231) | Police Administration (substitution: Juvenile Justice) |
3 credits (CJS 231) |
CJS 260 or HLS 111 | Terrorism/Counterterrorism or Intro. To Homeland Security | 3 credits |
Elective (CJS, PSY, SOC) |
3 credits (CJS 218) |
Elective |
5 credits (CJS 127) |
Total Number of Credits | 37 credits |
23 credits |
Articulated Credits
AACC agrees to award the following college credits offered to graduates of the Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities:
CJS 111 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits)
CJS 113 – Penology (3 credits)
CJS 232 – Juvenile Law (3 credits) – substitution for LGS 215 Criminal Law
CJS 231 – Juvenile Justice (3 credits) – substitution for CJS 121 Police Administration
CJS 218 – Criminal Justice Communications (3 credits)
CJS 127 – Police Tactics 1 (5 credits)
HEA 150 – Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED (3 credits)
This Amendment No. 2 to the Articulation Agreement ("Amendment No. 2") is made as of the date last signed below ("Effective Date"), by and between Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC"), accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and a community college in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and the Anne Arundel County Police Department ("AACPD") which offers police certification through the Maryland Police and Corrections and Training Commissions ("MPCTC") (individually, a "Party" and collectively, "Parties").
WHEREAS, AACC and AACPD are parties to the Agreement dated as of June 10, 2020 ("Agreement"), wherein AACC offers an articulated pathway where, certified graduates of the AACPD Police Academy will have the opportunity to be awarded up to twenty-four (24) credits toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice - Police · Academy, hereinafter "LECJ-PA Degree", at AACC; and
WHEREAS, AACC and AACPD are parties to the Amendment to the Agreement dated August 4, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the initial term of the Agreement was in effect for three (3) years with an option to review; and
WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the terms of the Agreement as set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and of the following promises and conditions set forth, the sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
I. Amendments
A. Section I.A. I is hereby replaced with the following:
The Parties agree that AACC will offer an articulated program pathway ("Program Pathway"), where certified graduates of the AACPD Police Academy will have the opportunity to be awarded up to thirty (30) credits toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice - Police Academy, hereinafter "LECJ-PA Degree", at AACC.
B. Section F, AACPD Liaison is hereby replaced with the following:
Captain Kenneth Arbaugh
Commander, Training Division
3 73 7 Elmer F. Hagner Lane
Davidsonville, MD 21035
C. Section H.8 Notices [for AACCPD] is hereby replaced with the following:
Captain Kenneth Arbaugh
3 73 7 Elmer F. Hager Lane
Davidsonville, MD 21035
Email: karbaugh@aacounty.org
II. General Provisions
A. Except as specifically amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.
B. Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This agreement shall become effective upon signatures by officials from both Parties. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. Each counterpart will be an original, but all such counterparts will constitute a single instrument. This Agreement may be electronically or digitally signed or scanned, and any electronic or digital signatures appearing on this Agreement are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility, upon exchange of signature pages.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Anne Arundel County Police Department and Anne Arundel Community College have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered on the date written above by their duly authorized representatives.
For the Anne Arundel County Police Department
Amal E. Award
Chief of Police
Captain Kenneth Arbaugh
Training Division Commander
For Anne Arundel Community College
Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Karen Cook, Esq.
Dean, School of Business and Law
Nanci A. Beier
This Amendment to the Articulation Agreement ( "Amendment") is made as of the date last signed below ("Effective Date"), by and between Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC"), accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and a community college in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and the Anne Arundel County Police Department ("AACPD") which offers police certification through the Maryland Police and Corrections and Training Commissions ("MPCTC") (individually, a "Party" and collectively, "Parties").
WHEREAS, AACC and AACPD are parties to the Agreement dated as of June 10, 2020 ("Agreement"), wherein AACC offers an articulated pathway where, certified graduates of the AACPD Police Academy will have the opportunity to be awarded up to twenty-four (24) credits toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice-Police Academy, hereinafter "LECJ-PA Degree", at AACC; and
WHEREAS, the initial term of the Agreement was in effect for three (3) years with an option to review; and
WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the terms of the Agreement as set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and of the following promises and conditions set forth, the sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
I. Amendments
A. Program
I. The Parties agree that AACC will offer an articulated program pathway ("Program Pathway"), where certified graduates of the AACPD Police Academy will have the opportunity to be awarded up to twenty-four (24) credits toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice - Police Academy, hereinafter "LECJ-P A Degree", at AACC.
2. AACC courses for which the Student will receive credit towards the are set forth in Exhibit A incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement.
B. Reports, Data and Information
1. The AACPD will provide a report ("AACPD Report") to AACC on an annual basis.
2. The AACPD Report will include data on AACPD Police Academy certified graduates including but not limited to, number of certified graduates, student demographics, and other pertinent information.
3. AACC will provide a report ("AACC Report") on an annual basis.
4. The AACC Report will include data on Students enrolled in the LECJ-PA including but not limited to, current enrollment and graduation rates and other pertinent information.
C. Disclosure of Student Information
1. AACPD acknowledges and understands that disclosure of information contained in Student education records is limited by the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 ("FERPA"), Maryland law and College policies and procedures.
2. If AACPD requests information specific to an individual Student, any such release of information is conditioned upon the receipt of written consent from the Student. The College may disclose information regarding the Student to AACPD in situations that constitute a health or safety emergency as defined by FERPA or if another exception to FERPA applies.
3. Disclosure of Student information for the purposes stated in this Agreement is conditioned on AACPD's agreement not to re-disclose the information to any third party without student consent unless the information is re-disclosed on behalf of AACC as otherwise permitted by FERPA and AACC is informed of the re-disclosure for record-keeping purposes.
D. Publicity and Promotion
1. During the term of this Agreement, the AACPD and AACC will develop a marketing and student recruitment plan to promote this Agreement and Transfer Pathway to inform Students of the opportunities available.
2. Any and all marketing, promotional or publication materials developed by one Party must be reviewed and approved in writing by the other Party prior to use of any such materials.
3. AACC agrees to promote this Transfer Pathway to AACC Students by allowing the AACPD to place marketing materials in student service centered departments on campus and on the AACC Transfer Agreements website (http:/ /h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/apply-and-register/creditapplication/apply/transfer-credit-to-aacc).
E. Trademark
1. Each Party grants to the other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, nontransferable revocable license to use its name, logos, and other trademarks for limited purpose of this Agreement, with the prior express written permission of the other Party.
2. Except as specifically authorized in this Agreement, neither Party shall use the name, logos or trademarks of the other or the name or likeness of any employee or officer of the other Party in connection with any product, service, promotion, news, release or other publicity without the prior written permission of the other Party and, if necessary, of the individual whose name or likeness may be under consideration.
3. All uses of AACC's trademarks shall comply with the AACC's guidelines for the use of its trademarks, which will be provided upon request.
F. Liaisons
The Parties designate the individuals below to serve as the primary point of contact ("Liaison") under this Agreement. Should the Liaison change, the Party will promptly provide new contact to the other Party in writing.
AACC Liaison
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation & Career
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
AACPD Liaison
Captain Jon Mahaffee
Commander, Training Division
3737 Elmer F Hagner Lane
Davidsonville, MD 21035
G. Term and Renewal
1. The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of three (3) years, commencing on the Effective Date, unless terminated by either party as set forth below.
2. This Agreement shall automatically renew for one (1) year terms, unless terminated by one of the Parties prior to expiration of the first or successive terms.
3. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing ninety (90) days' written notice to the other Party. This Agreement may be dissolved upon mutual agreement of the Provost/Vice President for Learning at AACC and the Training Division Commander at AACPD.
4. During the notice period the parties may discuss continuation of a formal relationship.
5. In the event of termination by either Party, credits awarded to Students by AACC prior to the termination date will not be impacted and Students currently enrolled in the LECJ-PA Degree program at AACC at the time of termination will be permitted to complete the program.
6. The Parties shall meet annually to review changes in curriculum, programs and credential requirements for the purpose of determining whether or if the Agreement should be amended.
7. Should either Party make changes to program requirements, the Party will inform the other Party immediately. Any curriculum modification by either Party must be conveyed within three (3) months of the modification in writing to AACC through the Provost/Vice President for Learning at AACC, the Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment at AACC, and the Training Division Commander at AACPD.
H. General Provisions
1. Entire Understanding. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral.
2. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Parties.
3. Non-Waiver. The failure of either Party to insist, in any one or more instances, on the performance of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, or to exercise any of its rights, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such term, covenant, condition or right with respect to further performance.
4. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a separate, severable and independently enforceable provision. The invalidity or breach of any provisions shall not cause the invalidity or breach of the remaining provisions hereof.
5. Dispute Escalation and Resolution. In the event of a dispute or difference in interpretation of this Agreement, the Parties' Liaisons will in good faith endeavor to resolve such dispute or difference amicably, through dialog and cooperation. In the event that such dispute is not resolved on an informal basis within thirty (30) days, any Party may escalate it to AACPD Chief Police and the AACC Provost/Vice President for Learning, who will attempt in good faith to achieve an amicable resolution.
If a dispute or difference or in interpretation of this Agreement is not resolved by the Parties though good faith efforts by dialog and/ or cooperation, the dispute escalation and resolution process under this clause, Dispute Escalation and Resolution, will be deemed to have been exhausted in respect of such matter, and each Party shall be free to pursue its rights under this Agreement or applicable law.
6. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland. Any legal proceedings brought pursuant to this Agreement shall be brought only in the state courts of Maryland.
7. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
8. Notices. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Notices shall be provided to the individuals listed below. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
Anne Arundel Community College
General Counsel
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
Email: generalcounsel@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com
9. Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This agreement shall become effective upon signatures by officials from both Parties. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. Each counterpart will be an original, but all such counterparts will constitute a single instrument. This Agreement may be electronically or digitally signed or scanned, and any electronic or digital signatures appearing on this Agreement are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility, upon exchange of signature pages.
10. Except as specifically amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Anne Arundel County Police Department and Anne Arundel Community College have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered on the date written above by their duly authorized representatives.
For the Anne Arundel County Police Department
Amal E. Awad
Chief of Police
Captain John Mahaffee
Training Division Commander
For Anne Arundel Community College
Tanya Millner Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Aug 4, 2024
Karen Cook, Esq.
Dean, School of Business and Law
Aug 4, 2024
Nanci A. Beier
Aug 1, 2024
Anne Arundel Community College
Program Requirements and Policy Academy Credit Award
Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice -Police Academy, A.A.S.
Course Number | Course Title | AACC Credits | ACCPD Credit Award |
General Education Requirements | 24 credits | ||
English Comp I (ENG 101 or ENG 101A) |
Academic Writing & Research 1 | 3 credits | |
English Comp II (ENG 102) |
Academic Writing & Research 2 | 3 credits | |
Arts and Humanities | 3 credits | ||
Biological and Physical Sciences | 3 credits | ||
Technology | 3 credits | ||
Wellness | Advanced First Aid, CPR & AED | 3 credits (HEA 150) | |
Mathematics | 3 credits | ||
Social and Behavioral Sciences | American Government (PLS 111) | 3 credits | |
Program Requirements | 15 credits | ||
CJS 111 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 credits (CJS 111) | |
CJS 113 | Penology | 3 credits | |
CJS 225 (or CJS 200 course substitution)* |
Criminal Justice Ethics (or Multicultural Law Enforcement) | 3 credits | |
LGS 215 | Criminal Law | 3 credits (LGS 215) | |
SOC 111 | Intro. to Sociology | 3 credits | |
Area of Concentration Requirements | 21 credits | ||
CJS 109 | Police Discipline and Organization | 1 credit (CJS 109) | |
CJS 112 | Police Operations |
3 credits (CJS 112) |
CJS 218 | Criminal Justice Communications |
3 credits (CJS 218) |
CJS 222 | Investigation and Criminalistics |
4 credits (CJS 222) |
LGS 216 | Criminal Evidence and Procedure |
3 credits (LGS 216) |
CJS 226 | Traffic and Public Safety |
3 credits (CJS 226) |
Elective | Law Enforcement and the Community |
3 credits (CJS 130) |
Elective | Physical Conditioning |
1 credit (PHE214) |
Total Number of Credits | 30 credits |
30 credits |
*Course substitution- substituting CJS 200 for CJS 225. CJS 200 may be offered by AACC on location at AACPD.
Articulated Credits
AACC agrees to award the following college credits offered to graduates of the Anne Arundel County Police Academy:
HEA 150 - Advanced First Aid, CPR & AED (3 credits)
CJS 111 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits)
LGS 215 - Criminal Law (3 credits)
CJS 109 - Police Discipline and Organization (1 credit)
CJS 112 - Police Operations (3 credits)
CJS 218 - Criminal Justice Communications (3 credits)
CJS 222 - Criminalistics and Investigation (4 credits)
LGS 216 - Criminal Evidence and Procedure (3 credits)
CJS 226 -Traffic and Public Safety (3 credits)
CJS 130 - Law Enforcement and the Community (3 credits)
PHE 214-Physical Conditioning (1 credit)
This Articulation Agreement (this 'Agreement') is entered into this 1st day of March, 2020, between Anne Arundel Community College ('AACC'), accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and a community college in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, which offers a Police Academy certified through the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC), and Anne Arundel County, Maryland, on behalf of the Anne Arundel County Police Department ('AACPD'), whose Police Academy is also certified through MPCTC. The parties hereto agree that AACC will offer an articulated program pathway leading to the award of an Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Police Academy to AACPD Police Academy graduates who have been certified through the AACPD. The parties further agree that students certified as having graduated from the AACPD Police Academy will be allowed to transfer coursework to AACC for purposes of completing their A.A.S. degree in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Police Academy.
This agreement allows every certified graduate of the AACPD Police Academy the opportunity to receive up to 24 credits toward the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Police Academy A.A.S. degree at AACC, contingent on the student's academic requirements.
1. Students interested in pursuing an A.A.S. degree in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Police Academy, may complete courses specific to the AACPD Police Academy through the AACPD Police Academy. Students certified through the AACPD Police Academy may be awarded an A.A.S. degree in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Police Academy from AACC upon completion of the AACC program requirements and general education requirements. A minimum of fifteen (15) credits must be taken through AACC.
2. Any curriculum modification by either institution must be conveyed within three (3) months of the modification in writing to AACC through the Vice President for Learning at AACC, the Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment at AACC, and the Training Division Commander at AACPD.
3. Students must follow all enrollment and graduation procedures in accordance with AACC policy. Current admission procedures for AACC are set forth on Exhibit A incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. Current Credit Awards and Program Requirements are set forth in Exhibit B incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement,
4. This agreement shall become effective upon signatures by officials from both institutions.
5. This agreement may be dissolved upon mutual agreement of the Vice President for Learning at AACC and the Training Division Commander, AACPD. Such dissolution will not jeopardize the completion of the program by students then currently enrolled.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Anne Arundel County Police Department and Anne Arundel Community College have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered on the date written above by their duly authorized representatives.
For Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Benjamin Birge
Chief Administrative Officer
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Timothy J. Altomare
Chief of Police
Approved to Form and Legal Sufficiency
Jason Fetterman
Office of Law
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
For Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, Ph.D.
Vice President for Learning
Karen Cook, Esq.
Dean, School of Business and Law
Nanci A. Beier
Exhibit A - AACC Admissions Procedures
Students must submit an online admission application to the Admissions Office at h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/apply-and-register.
After submitting online admission application students must send all official transcripts and documentation attention to the Records and Registration Office located at 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012. Official documentation may include:
All students who wish to pursue a degree or certificate must be assessed for proficiency in English, reading and mathematics prior to their first registration. This can be completed through an assessment test at the college's testing office or by submitting appropriate scores on the ACT, SAT, AP, CLEP and/or successful completion of equivalent college courses.
Grants, scholarship, and loans are available to eligible students who are enrolled in eligible degree programs. For additional information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 410-777-2203 or h32x.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com/aid/
THIS TEAMING AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), made and entered into this 3rd day of September, 2014, by and between City of Glasgow College (CGC), with their campus located at 60 North Hanover Street, Glasgow Gl 2BP and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC), with offices located at 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012. CGC and AACC are sometimes collectively referred to herein as Parties and individually referred to herein as a Party.
The City of Glasgow College and Anne Arundel Community College enter this teaming agreement to promote the educational goals of both institutions by fostering study and collaboration between students, faculty and administration of these institutions. Although this Agreement is devoid of specificity as to how the parties will work together to attain their respective interests it is their mutual intent to develop the most efficient working arrangement to foster the study and collaborations described herein.
The agreement allows the institutions to:
ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE interest areas include:
CITY OF GLASGOW COLLEGE interest areas include:
This Agreement does not constitute a partnership, joint venture, or any other form of business association. Neither Party to this Agreement is the agent of the other and except as expressly provided in this Agreement, neither may bind the other. No profits, losses, or costs will be shared under any provision of this Agreement.
The teaming agreement may be terminated by either party by official written notification duly signed by the presiding officer of the notifying partner
Any news release, public announcement, advertisement, or publicity proposed to be released by either party concerning the joint activities, will be subject to the prior written approval of each party prior to release.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their authorized representatives as set forth below.
City of Glasgow College
Paul Little
Principal and Chief Executive
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Dawn Lindsay
This Articulation Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center ("DC3") 911 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum, MD, 21090 and Anne Arundel Community College , 101 College Pkwy, Arnold, MD 21012 (hereafter referred to as "the Parties").
To better serve students intending to pursue careers in cybersecurity within the Department of Defense (DoD), and to better serve those within the DoD with a cybersecurity skillset to attain college credit towards a formal university degree, Anne Arundel Community College and DC3 Cyber Training Academy ("CTA") share a common interest in facilitating a smooth transition of students transferring from CTA to Anne Arundel Community College.
CTA designates national Centers of Digital Forensics Academic Excellence ("CDFAE") to establish best practices for digital forensics education. CDFAE is a partnership between academia, standards bodies, and the U.S. Government to establish best practices for digital forensics education. Education providers are held to digital forensics education standards based upon knowledge, skills, and abilities("KSA") used in the field. This approach advances the discipline of digital forensics and increases the number of qualified professionals to meet the needs of law enforcement, counterintelligence national defense, and legal communities.
CDFAE recognizes two certifications, the Digital Media Collector and the Digital Forensic Examiner. The courses articulated in this document relate to courses required by these two certifications.
The parties hereto agree to offer an articulated program pathway leading to relevant DoD certifications to be provided by CTA for Anne Arundel Community College students who have successfully completed courses in the program pathway leading to the award of an Advanced Digital Forensics Certificate and/o Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity - Digital Forensics.
While DC3 and Anne Arundel Community College do not presently have a dual enrollment program, should one be agreed to, this agreement will not preclude students from participation and students may apply for and receive the benefits of dual enrollment. Those students would then be subject to the policies of said program should they apply.
The parties further agree,
1. Every student completing core courses at CTA will be allowed to transfer to Anne Arundel Community College for purposes of completing said certificate or degree.
2. Every student completing courses at Anne Arundel Community College will be recognized as having completed the equivalent CTA courses/training for the purpose of receiving relevant DoD certifications.
3. Upon successful completion of all institution( degree) program requirements, Anne Arundel Community College will present the student with a CDFAE Certificate or Completion and instructions for receiving corresponding DoD digital forensics certifications. The certification will benefit the student if the student is hired by the DoD or another Federal Government Agency.
4. Every student completing courses at CTA will have the opportunity to receive up to 22 credits toward the Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity - Digital Forensics at Anne Arundel Community College, contingent on the student's academic requirements. For the specified degree, general education requirements must also be satisfied. A minimum of 15 credits must be taken through Anne Arundel Community College for degree completion. Every student completing courses at CTA will have the opportunity to receive up to 18 credits toward the Advanced Digital Forensics certificate at Anne Arundel Community College, contingent on the student's academic requirements. A minimum of 7 credits must be taken through Anne Arundel Community College for certificate completion.
5. Institutions have to articulate a minimum of 25% of the courses listed at CTA, which equals a minimum of four (4) courses.
6. Any curriculum modification by either party affecting more than 25% of the curriculum must be conveyed within three (3) months of the modification in writing to Anne Arundel Community College through the Signatories at Anne Arundel Community College and to the CTA through the chair of the DC3 Academic Cyber Curriculum Alliance. Students must follow all enrollment and graduation procedures in accordance with Anne Arundel Community College policy. Summary of articulated credits, current credit awards, and program requirements are set forth in Exhibit A incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement.
7. Agreements shall become effective upon date of last signature by officials from both parties.
8. Agreement may be dissolved upon mutual agreement of the the Signatories at Anne Arundel Community College and the Executive Director of DC3. Such dissolution will not jeopardize the completion of the program by students then currently enrolled.
9. DC3 and Anne Arundel Community College further agree to to monitor the performance of this agreement and to revise it as necessary.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DoD Cyber Crime Center and Anne Arundel Community College have causes this Agreement to be executed on the date of last signature by their duly authorized representatives.
For the DoD Cyber Crime Center
Jeffrey D. Specht, SES, DAF
Executive Director, DC3
May 4, 2020
For Anne Arundel Community College
Michael H. Gavin, Ph.D.
Vice President for Learning, AACC
Nanci A. Beier
Registrar, AACC
Articulation Agreement
Entered into this 30 day of April, 2018
Janine C. Fleming
Holistic Massage Training Institute
Dr. Michael H. Gavin
Vice President for Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Elizabeth Appel, MSW, LCSW-C, Dean
School of Health Sciences
Lynne A. Brummitt, MA, LMT
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Massage Therapy
Anne Arundel Community College
Nanci A. Beier
Anne Arundel Community College
Anne Arundel Community College, hereafter referred to as AACC, a two-year college in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and Holistic Massage Training Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, agree to offer an articulated program leading to the award of an Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Massage Therapy by AACC for Holistic Massage Institute students who pass Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx). They further agree that students from Holistic Massage Institute will be allowed to transfer credits earned for their certificate, with the passing of the MBLEx, to AACC. The following general principles guide the operation of this agreement.
1. Students interested in pursuing an A.AS. in Massage Therapy from AACC may complete courses specific to the professional massage training program at the Holistic Training Institute.
2. Upon successfully completing the 810-clock hours program at the Holistic Massage Training Institute and passing the MBLEx exam, 31 credit hours will be generated by AACC toward an A.A.S. in Massage Therapy. Students enrolling in AACC must complete an additional 29 credit hours as outlined in this agreement. A minimum of 15 credits must be taken at AACC.
3. Students must present official documentation demonstrating passage of the MBLEx to the Office of Records and Registration. Current license will be required if the MBLEx is more than 4 years old. After receipt of the above, the college will award the appropriate transfer credit toward the A.A.S. Massage Therapy degree.
4. Proposed curriculum modification at either institution must be conveyed in writing to the Vice President for learning at Anne Arundel Community College, and the Director at Holistic Massage Training Institute in a timely manner.
5. Upon successfully completing the 600-clock hours program at the Holistic Massage Training Institute and passing the MBLEx exam, 22 credit hours will be generated by AACC toward an A.A.S. in Massage Therapy. Students enrolling in AACC must complete an additional 38 credit hours as outlined in this agreement. A minimum of 15 credits must be taken at AACC.
6. This agreement becomes effective with the signature of the appropriate officials from both institutions. It may be terminated by either party for due cause and after 90 notice to the other. This termination shall not affect students already enrolled in the AACC program.
Admission Procedures into Anne Arundel Community College
Dissolution of Agreement
This agreement may be dissolved based upon the action of the Vice President for Learning of Anne Arundel Community College and the Director of Holistic Massage Training Institute on a date mutually agreed upon.
In no case will dissolution of the agreement jeopardize the graduation of students already enrolled and achieving satisfactory progress in the program.
Anne Arundel Community College
Memorandum of Agreement
For awarding Transfer Credit by Industry Certification/Licensure
Certified Coach Certification granted by The International Coach Federation
An Anne Arundel Community College student who holds a current Associate Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach or Master Certified Coach Credential offered through The International Coach Federation and is pursuing a certificate of Life and Engagement Coaching through AACC will receive the following AACC courses and credits. No grade will be assigned for these credits and the credits will be noted on the transcript as awarded by virtue of industry certification/licensure.
Course Name/Credits
EDU 201 - Engagement Coaching I - Engage/3 credit hours
EDU 202 - Engagement Coaching II - Expand/3 credit hours
EDU 203 - Engagement Coaching Ill - Experience/3 credit hours
AACC Subject Matter Faculty Expert
Jen Lara, Professor, Engagement Coach Training Program
AACC Chair, Education Department
Karen Phelan, Chair, Education Department
AACC Dean, School of Science, Technology and Education
Lance Bowen, Dean, School of Science, Technology and Education
AACC Vice President of Learning
Dr. Michael Gavin, Vice President of Learning
Original to be held in the Office of Records and Registration. This agreement will be reviewed every two years.
TO: Nanci Beier, Registrar
FROM: Karen Phelan, Department Chair, Education Department
Jennifer Lara, Coach and Professor, Engagement Coach Training Program, Education Department
DATE: January 21, 2020
RE: Articulated Credit for Engagement Coach Training Courses
We have examined the credentials of [student, insert name] and have determined that the student holds a current certification as either an Associate Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach or Master Certified Coach Credential through the International Coach Federation. The following courses and credits have been earned through the college's internal articulation agreement:
EDU 201 - Engagement Coaching I - Engage/3 credit hours
EDU 202 - Engagement Coaching II - Expand/3 credit hours
EDU 203 - Engagement Coaching Ill - Experience/3 credit hours
The student is aware that these nine credits will be posted to the transcript as articulated credits and carry no grade.
Attached is a photocopy of the student's current ICF certification.
Information on AACC's Transfer Credit Criteria can be found in the AACC Catalog. This criteria aligns with the Maryland Higher Education Commission's mandates on transfer credit. Check out a few of our frequently asked questions below.
Yes, but we recommend starting early and completing the credit transfer process before registering for courses. If that’s not possible, meet with an advisor to develop an educational plan, and provide an unofficial copy of your transcripts to help your advisor develop your schedule.
No. Credit will be awarded for the successfully completed courses as appropriate. The grades you earned at other institutions will not transfer and will not affect your AACC grade point average.
Some Ds will transfer in some cases.
Assessment tests are mandatory for all students (not just transfer students) unless you have transferable credits that are equivalent to Academic and Writing Research 1 (ENG-101) and general education math courses.
In general, you should assume that about two-thirds of your total quarter-hours earned will transfer as term hours.